Understanding and Overcoming ACEs


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Product Description

Recent research has changed our understanding of how our early childhood experiences affect us throughout our lives. This Webinar will illuminate the dramatic impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) as well as life-changing ways a person can heal and overcome their effects.

This Webinar with Dr. Lisa Firestone will address:

  • What are ACEs?
  • What impact do ACEs have on our lives?
  • How can Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) counter the impact of ACEs?
  • What therapy methodologies have proven effective in treating ACEs?
  • How can people enhance emotional regulation, heal from, and overcome ACEs?

In this 90-minute Webinar, Dr. Lisa Firestone will explain the role of ACEs in shaping a person’s life. She will define what ACEs are and explore recent eye-opening findings on their short and long-term effects on people’s mental and physical health.