The Role of Death Anxiety on Attitudes and Behavior Aroused by the Pandemic


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Product Description

In this Webinar: 

This webinar with Dr. Sheldon Solomon, one of the founders of TMT (Terror Management Theory), will focus on how existential anxieties aroused by the Covid-19 pandemic have had a pervasive effect on attitudes, behavior, and physical and psychological well-being.

Terror management theory is focused on the role that awareness of death plays in diverse aspects of life. In this webinar, Dr. Solomon will discuss the theory’s implications for understanding the widely varying ways in which people have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic. Regardless of whether one consciously believes that the virus is a major threat to life or only a minor inconvenience, fear of death plays an important role in driving one’s attitudes and behavior related to the virus. “The New Normal” has quickly become a cliché in light of the pandemic, yet it succinctly describes people’s adaptations for both avoiding the threat of death from the virus, while still being able to pursue goals that give life meaning, value, and connection with others. Acknowledging one’s emotional distress in response to the pandemic may encourage more creative and constructive ways of coping with it 


Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe terror management theory (TMT) and research informing it
  2. List ways Covid 19 has undermined our psychological equanimity
  3. Apply strategies informed by TMT, to help individuals adopt more creative constructive ways of coping


Ordering Information

Once the webinar has taken place, all registrants will be emailed a full video recording of the presentation along with all presentation materials.

Optional 1.5 CEs may be purchased through R. Cassidy Seminars. A link to purchase CE credits will be included in the email containing all your webinar resourcesMore Info Here