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Narcissism: From Healthy to Pathological


Presenter: Dr. Lisa Firestone, Ph.D.
90 Minutes

SKU: 2033 Category:

Product Description

Presenter: Dr. Lisa Firestone, Ph.D.
90 Minutes

How can we distinguish healthy self-confidence from narcissism? Is there an epidemic of narcissism in our society? How can we deal with narcissists in our lives, whether they are our parents, our partners our friends or our patients?  This Webinar will address these questions and provide answers that will help you understand and relate more effectively to individuals along the spectrum of narcissism, including those with Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Pathological narcissism can be expressed in temporary reactions and traits or in a stable, enduring personality disorder.  Individuals with pathological narcissism experience hypersensitivity and low frustration tolerance. Their sense of self is grandiose but fragile. Their self-esteem fluctuates from self-enhanced/ grandiosity to vulnerable/ inferiority.  They often use relationships to attempt to enhance their self-esteem at the expense of more equal relating, and their partners are often frustrated and dissatisfied. Therapists often find these individuals to be difficult patients to form an alliance with and treat effectively.

In this Webinar ,we will explore the developmental origins of narcissism and how it relates to healthy self-esteem.  The diagnostic characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder will be clarified as well as how to recognize someone with pathological narcissism. The struggles narcissists experience and the difficulties inherent in relating to them will be explored. Effective coping strategies for those dealing with narcissism will be presented as well as the forefront of effective treatments for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Learning Objectives:

1. Recognize the difference  between healthy self-esteem and narcissism
2. Explain the developmental origins of narcissism and how it relates to healthy self esteem
3. List the diagnostic characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder
4. Describe the struggles narcissists experience with fluctuating self-esteem and problems self-regulating