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Relationships 2.0 Webinar


Presenter: Dr. Pat Love
90 Minutes

SKU: 2013 Category:

Product Description

Presenter: Dr. Pat Love
90 Minutes

Relationships have changed drastically since the dawn of the 21st Century. Dating, mating, single-life, sex-life, monogamy, matrimony, cohabitation, co-operation, fidelity, infidelity—all look different than one short generation ago. As if it weren’t challenging enough to keep up with pathological, technological, ethnic, educational, gender, geographic, socio-economic, and sexual diversity, we now have the largest generational gap in modern history to contend with which means the relationship expectations and mores that made total sense to the Boomers now baffle many Millennials.

Cultural shifts in relationships can create collateral damage in sex and love. In an age when expectations as well as stressors are greater, it’s more difficult to keep healthy love alive. This webinar will take a look at the state of our unions and then focus on fidelity and infidelity in the 21st Century. Models for treatment and recovery will be presented.

Learning Objectives:

  1. List two steps in the recovery from betrayal process.
  2. Summarize the biological correlations related to monogamy.
  3. Describe the biological correlations related to non-monogamy.
  4. List two predictors of positive outcome in therapy.