Achieving Lasting Change: An Interview with John Norcross


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Product Description

John C. Norcross, PhD, is an internationally recognized expert on behavioral change, as well as a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Scranton and an Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Dr. Norcross specializes in psychotherapy, clinical training and behavioral change. Dr. Norcross has authored over 300 publications and edited or co-written 22 professional books, including his acclaimed self-help book Changeology.

In this DVD, Dr. John Norcross discusses Changeology, a scientifically proven approach to self-change. He explains how change unfolds in a series of steps and outlines in detail the lives steps in the process of change. Dr. Norcross shows how psychotherapists and/or individuals can tailor their treatment to match whichever stage of change a person may be in. “We hope that by looking at the science of change,” Dr. Norcross says, “Both self- changers in their home environments and psychotherapists in the consulting rooms will be working smarter, doing the right thing at the right time.” Finally, Dr. Norcross discusses what does and does not work in therapy, as well as the future of integrative therapy.

Format: DVD