Challenging Depression


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Product Description

In this Webinar: 

  • A cognitive/ affective/ behavioral approach to conquering the critical inner voice that drives depression
  • Exercises, and other tools that can help people separate from negative thoughts
  • Specific actions and exercises people can engage in to reduce symptoms of depression
  • Tools to enhance mindfulness, self-compassion, and a positive sense of self

During the pandemic, a major study showed that the number of U.S. adults experiencing depression tripled. Depression is already the most common mental health disorder in America. With more and more people being affected, it is essential that we uncover tools, techniques, and treatments that help those suffering understand and overcome depression.

Effective therapies to treat depression involve dealing with distorted cognitions and beliefs as well as the feelings behind those thoughts. In this insightful webinar, Dr. Lisa Firestone will introduce an empowering approach to treating depression, while highlighting specific actions individuals can take that have been shown to reduce symptoms of depression. She will discuss a method in which therapists can help clients identify  destructive  patterns of thinking, the “critical inner voice” that can perpetuate a cycle of depression.

When someone is in a depressed state, the hopelessness they feel seems to cloud the lens through which they see themselves and the world around them. They may get lost in painful patterns of rumination that make it especially difficult to take actions that may help reduce depressive symptoms. By understanding the source of the thoughts and taking their own side, people can begin to challenge the roots of depression.

Dr. Firestone will explain a cognitive/affective/behavioral modality for bringing “critical inner voices” to the surface. Her presentation will draw on concepts from cognitive therapy and Emotion-focused Therapy as well as Voice Therapy, which integrates these concepts. She will introduce an assessment instrument based on the critical inner voice,, homework exercises, and other tools that can help clients separate from negative thoughts and take actions to go against them. In addition, she will discuss how reducing rumination, while enhancing mindfulness and self-compassion can help fight depression. Participants will learn how to effectively challenge critical inner voices, develop more self-compassion, and strengthen their positive sense of self.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Apply techniques to identify and challenge destructive thinking in clients
  2. Describe strategies to help clients tolerate anxiety associated in breaking destructive patterns
  3. Distinguish between self-compassion and self-esteem
  4. Discuss a cognitive/affective/behavioral approach for challenging the “critical inner voices” in depression
  5. Identify clients’ negative thought patterns/ attitudes that influence depression