Contemporary Chapters
Firestone, L. (2010). The Critical Inner Voice That Drives Suicide. In M. Pompili (Ed.), Suicide in the Words of Suicidologists. (Chapter 16). Nova Publishers. |
Firestone, R., and Firestone, L., Title of Chapter to be Here, In H. Rosenthal (Ed.), Therapy’s Best: Practical Advice and Gems of Wisdom from Twenty Accomplished Counselors and Therapists. Haworth Reference Press |
Firestone, L. (in press). Voice therapy: A treatment for depression and suicide. In R. Yufit and D. Lester (Eds.), Assessment, treatment, and prevention of suicidal behavior. Wiley. |
Suicide and the Inner Voice book cover Firestone, L. Suicide and the inner voice. In T. Ellis (Ed.), Cognition and suicide: Theory, research and practice. American Psychological Association. |
Firestone, R.W. & Firestone, L. (2004). Methods for overcoming the fear of intimacy. In D. Mashek & A. Aron (Eds.). The Handbook of Closeness and Intimacy (pp. 375-395). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. |
The Secret Diary of Katie Firestone, L. (2003). Separation theory and voice therapy methodology applied to the treatment of Katie: A diary-based, retrospective case conceptualization and treatment approach. In D. Lester (Ed.), The secret diary of Katie: Unlocking the mystery of a suicide (pp. 161-186). New York: Brunner-Routledge. |
Firestone, R.W., & Firestone, L. (2002). Suicide Reduction and Prevention. In C. Feltham (Ed.), What’s the Good of Counseling & Psychotherapy? (pp. 48-80). London: Sage Publications. |
Firestone, R.W. (2001). Behavioral assignments for individual and couples therapy: Corrective suggestions for behavioral change. In H.G. Rosenthal (Ed.), Favorite counseling and therapy homework assignments: Leading therapists share their most creative strategies (pp. 85-90). Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge. |
Firestone, R.W. (2000). Microsuicide and the elderly: A basic defense against death anxiety. In A. Tomer (Ed.), Death attitudes and the older adult: Theories, concepts, and applications (pp. 65-84). Philadelphia, PA: Brunner-Routledge. |
Firestone, R.W. (1998). Voice Therapy. In H.G. Rosenthal (Ed.), Favorite counseling and therapy techniques: 51 therapists share their most creative strategies (pp. 82-85). Washington, DC: Accelerated Development. |
Firestone, R.W. (1994). Psychological defenses against death anxiety. In R.A. Neimeyer (Ed.), Death anxiety handbook: Research, instrumentation, and application (pp. 217-241). Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis. |
Firestone, R.W. (1990). Voice Therapy. In J.K. Zeig & W. Munion (Eds), What is psychotherapy? Contemporary Perspectives, (pp. 68-74). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. |