Insight into the Violent Mind

Over the past four decades, my colleagues and I have observed clinical material that has expanded my understanding of human destructiveness toward both self and others. I became aware of an underlying critical thought process that is at the core of all forms of maladaptive behavior.


A Tool We Need After a Tragedy

A few years ago, my husband and I were having a late dinner at a café in Paris on a vacation when people started to shuffle and panic around us. An older man leaving the restaurant stopped to tell us that something terrible is happening; there was a terrorist attach a couple miles away, and…


In Memory of Barry Langberg

Barry Langberg was a long-time supporter and board member of The Glendon Association. For more than three decades, Barry was instrumental to Glendon’s efforts, from its founding as a small non-profit organization to its expansion into a leading online resource for mental health. In its earliest days, Barry traveled and presented on behalf of Glendon…


Human Rights Violations in Personal Relationships

The imposition of conventional attitudes and stereotypic views restrict people’s thinking, increase their hostility, and negatively influence their behavior toward one another.


Panic Attacks: What You Need to Know

There is a clear path that we can walk together in therapy, that can lead a person toward greater freedom, peace, and wellbeing.


How to Be Vulnerable to Love

It’s not easy to drop our defenses and open ourselves up to another person.


You Don’t Really Know Yourself

My life’s work has focused on understanding resistance in psychotherapy and more specifically, on people’s fundamental resistance to the formation of a better, more positive image of themselves.  For the most part, they are unaware that their lives are controlled and regulated by negative images and attitudes toward themselves that represent a basic aspect of…


Getting Over Relationship Insecurity

“She isn’t attracted to me anymore. She never acts as excited to see me when I come home. Why can’t it just be like it was in the beginning?” My friend has just entered into the first of two common


Overcoming Two of Parenting’s Greatest Challenges

By Dr. Lisa Firestone and Joyce Catlett Raising children can be one of the most challenging jobs in life; it certainly is one of the most important. Renowned British pediatrician/ psychoanalyst, Donald Winnicott once told a group of parents


Why Are So Many Parents Limited in Loving Their Children?

In order to place the title of this blog in context, I would define parental love as behavior that enhances the well-being and development of children. As such, “love” would be all that is nurturing and supportive of the evolution