Restriction of Means

There is No Debate: Barriers Save Lives Restricting suicide means by installing bridge barriers are a proven method of saving lives. Read the latest news and research studies on the importance and effectiveness of restricting means. News on Bridge Barriers: Dr. Lisa Firestone comments on the effectiveness of suicide bridge barrier. Read articles:  Santa Barbara Daily…


Keeping Love Strong This Valentine’s Day and Beyond

The to-do list associated with Valentine’s Day typically involves flower orders, dinner reservations, and chocolate deliveries. All of these can be lovely gestures of fondness and appreciation, but all of them are fleeting symbols whose pleasures fade come February 15. The greatest and most lasting gift we can give a loved one is to be…


Tips for Helping Your Child Handle Emotions

Author and humorist Erma Bombeck once wrote, “When my kids become wild and unruly, I use a nice, safe playpen. When they’re finished, I climb out.” As parents, we all have moments when we would like to hide away, avoid confrontation, and wait for the quiet that follows the storm. Parenting is an incredible challenge,…


On Being Vulnerable: Part I

Excerpts from an interview with Dr. Robert Firestone by Fred Branfman, political activist and author of Voices from the Plain of Jars. Vulnerable: “A weak position, defenseless, helpless, exposed, at risk, in danger” Fred Branfman: In our culture the idea of being vulnerable is associated with being fearful, anxious, and weak. For example, politicians and…


5 Strategies for Dealing With Your Partner’s Fear of Intimacy

As a therapist, I often hear couples complain that whenever one partner tries to get close, the other pulls away. It’s a painful reality that love isn’t always as easy to give and receive as we’d like to think. Many people have developed defenses that make them intolerant of too much love, attention or affection….