Studies show that the happiest people are those who seek meaning as opposed to just pleasure. Yet, are we really asking ourselves the right questions about what would make our lives meaningful? Despite what we may think, much of the time we are not really seeking our own happiness at all. Many of us don’t know ourselves well enough to conceptualize what we actually want. Instead, without realizing it, we spend our time repeating patterns and filling prescriptions from our past that don’t serve us in the present. To varying degrees, we fail to differentiate ourselves, to separate from destructive outside influences and realize our unique value in the world.
In this Webinar, Dr. Lisa Firestone will explore the many ways people hold themselves back from being who they really are and living the life they truly desire. What drives a person’s self-limiting and self-destructive behavior? How can they overcome the inner critic that holds them back and keeps them from achieving their goals? This 90-minute presentation will explain an innovative, therapeutic model for differentiation, a four-step process that allows people to separate from the negative attitudes and harmful adaptations from their early life. Dr. Firestone will illustrate strategies people can implement that will help them to uncover and explore what lights them up. What gives their lives meaning and what actions can you plan to integrate these values into your life? In facing this process of self-discovery, participants will gain insights into the developmental forces that have hurt their self-esteem and led to unfavorable behavior patterns. They will learn to shed the baggage of their past and lead a life that is uniquely meaningful to them.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the four steps in differentiation of self.
- Identify strategies to help clients uncover their own sense of personal meaning.
- Implement an action plan for clients to pursue meaningful goals.
Presenter: Lisa Firestone, Ph.D.
Price: $15
90 Minutes
$15.00Add to cart
Optional 3 CE Credits sold separately. You will receive a link to purchase CE’s by email after ordering the Webinar. More Info Here
Ordering Information:
Once payment is processed, you will be e-mailed a full video recording of the Webinar, all supplementary materials and a link to purchase CE’s. Contact [email protected] for more information.
About Lisa Firestone
Dr. Firestone is the Director of Research and Education at The Glendon Association. An accomplished and much requested lecturer, Dr. Firestone speaks at national and international conferences in the areas of couple relations, parenting, and suicide and violence prevention. Dr. Firestone has published numerous professional articles, and most recently was the co-author of Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships (APA Books, 2006), Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice (New Harbinger, 2002), and Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion: The Wisdom of Psychotherapy (APA Books, 2003).
Continuing Education Information:
* Continuing Education (CE) credits are being offered to mental health professionals through PsychoEducational Resources, Inc. (PER) Participants may earn 3 CE credits.” Get CE details here.
* CE Certificates will be mailed out from (PER) 3-4 weeks after completion of the Webinar. For additional CE information contact PER at 800-892-9249 or email [email protected].
* Appropriate for beginning, intermediate, and advanced level practitioners.
* If you have a special needs questions or have any concerns, please contact [email protected] or call 805-681-0415.
* Once payment and registration are received, there will be no cancellations or refunds. Should you be unable to listen to the live event, a complete recorded session will be made available to you at no additional charge.